18, 2013
Dear Zachary,
It has been days since the plague
has struck towns and villages across Europe. People lay sick and dying on the
street, in houses, and everywhere in between. I am giving you a not-so-pleasant
surprise in warning you of what you will eventually see for yourself. Citizens
lay in filthy cots dwelling in their own pus and blood, black swellings
covering their chest, armpits and legs. And it all starts with a simple ache in
the head and limbs, a chill or fever may lead to such destruction as the above.
Your general area may be affected more or less than others; I would advise that
you move to less densely populated area, where it is less likely you’ll catch
it. Once you catch this plague you’re guaranteed a horrible bloody death. There
is no known cure for it. Rats carry fleas that have been infected putting
everyone in grave danger with low to no sanitation. The Black Plague started in
Central Asia but is slowly gripping and wreaking havoc on Europe, China, Spain,
France, England, and Russia. Please, brother, take this warning with great
caution, this is a serious matter with a life-threatening epidemic that could
wipe out the human race. My village has already been hit with it, I myself am
ill. Goodbye.
Lydia Cochran